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Come and get involved!

Baxter Park Bowling Club is a local crown green bowling club based in Gatley.  

What we offer our members is crown green bowling in a social, rather than league-based, competitive setting, with regular internal events and competitions being held throughout the season.

The importance of our club to the community cannot be overestimated, as it enables our members to not only pursue a pastime that they love, but also, if they are no longer able to play, they can still remain part of a close-knit social group.

About Us

Baxter Park Bowling Club was  formed over 80 years ago and has continued to flourish ever since.  Our aim is to provide a fun environment where members can play crown green bowls at a social, rather than league,  level, whilst also taking part in several internal tournaments and social events.  Please see Upcoming Events tab for details.

Chairman :

Keith Bradbury

0161 286 1549

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